Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Machines Are They Helpful Or Too Much Trouble Essay Example For Students

Machines: Are They Helpful Or Too Much Trouble? Essay The historiography and various phases of the Industrial Revolution werevery important. Population increase and the expansion of capital, credit andcommerce were one of the phases. The role of entrepreneurs, workers andinventions in boosting production were another phase. Textiles, coal, transportand public services started becoming of value to people. The social consequencesincluded women and children working in factories and mines. Hard livingconditions, crowded rooms, and many diseases. There were many positive effects, new inventions, that helped madeliving comfortable, and saved many lives. A vaccination was created saving manylives, telephones helped people to communicate, light bulbs gave light at nightand when rain was falling. As people needed employment, they traveled to Londonto find work, which caused the population to increase. Developers built multistory building(apartments), and row houses making streets less crowded, and gavethe people a newfound wealth and security. Steam engines made it easy totransport goods, the cotton gin made it easier to clean cotton, and made moremoney. Then technical schools began to develop, helping young people finishgrammar school. Women also started working, they were very obedient and menstarted giving them more respect. Along with positive, were also negative. Most people worked twelve tofourteen hours a day, six days a week, they had to pay constant attention to themachines and risked losing limbs in the machines. Child labor was anotherproblem, they usually worked from 6 am to 7 p.m., getting paid only 10 percentwages of men to children. They would be severely beaten, and usually wasdeformed from machines. Many working-class children were not able to attendschools, because they couldnt afford clothes. Women usually spent long hoursaway from home and were unable to take care of children. They usually had adeformed chest or rib from the machines, and sometimes their hair and long skirtwere caught in the machines. Some people had to work in mines, the mines weredamp and ark, workers risked suffocation from the dust and drowning fromunderground floods. As population grew, people moved into urban areas. This wasa very big problem, crimes and diseases increased, sometimes twenty families hadto share th e same toilets and water pumps. The industrial revolution had many problems, but here are some solutionsI would propose. I would have limited work, better wages, and more windows, thepeople sometimes got lung cancer and suffocated from too much smoke. Thechildren, well, I would probably say they couldnt work until they were 11 or 12,but if they had to work before 11 or 12 I would give them less hours and morebreaks. For women, better pay and hours. In the coal mines, they shouldvebuilt better support, and at least warn the people of explosions. Schoolsshouldve been built for poor children and paid by the government. More housesbuilt and trees cut. Category: Social Issues

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